Corporation Commission administrator wants exemption from Open Records Requests

OCGA 42-4-14 - Open records requests round up (incomplete) - New Dustin  Inman Society



Corporation Commissioner Bob Anthony plans a discussion on claims made last month by Brandy Wreath, the agency’s Director of Administration, that protests by ratepayers and the delay of the sale of winter storm 2021 securitization bonds led to higher costs.

And in return, the Commission’s Director of Administration wants a pass on open records requests made to him and the Public Information Office. It could mean another door is closed to the public.

Wreath claimed the additional cost to ratepayers was $277,349,544 because of an interest rate increase while the challenge of the Securitization Act by some ratepayers was being heard by the State Supreme Court.

Anthony responded in late May to Wreath’s contentions and did so in a filing with the Commission.

The Commissioner also requested the OCC Public Information Office for any documents or records to supporting what he called “false” allegations made in Wreath’s May 29 news release. To date, Anthony has not received a response.

Commissioner Anthony says Wreath responded to the Commissioner’s request for the matter to be discussed at the Tuesday meeting and asked for a Commission vote relieving him and the PIO of their responsibility to respond to Open Records Request.

Wreath’s request was listed at the bottom of the agenda:

Discussion on staff processing of Open Record Act Requests (“ORRs”), including updates on pending ORRs requested from the Commission—Director of Administration Brandy Wreath and/or Public Information Officer Trey Davis
B. Discussion and possible vote(s) regarding direction to Commission staff on VII(A)

If Commissioners approve Wreath’s request, it would be the second possible exemption that the Commission allows against public information. A new law will take effect in November granting the commissioners exemptions in certain instances of complying with the Oklahoma Public Meetings Act.

Two years after Public Service Company of Oklahoma sought an IRS ruling regarding a deferred tax expense program, the company received a response. And the letter from the Internal Revenue Service will be the subject of a hearing Tuesday before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

Beware: Fake IRS Letters Are Making The Rounds This Summer

The program if approved by the three commissioners, would total $56 million with cost recovery starting in November of this year, resulting in another $5 more a month to an average residential customer. The increase in a monthly bill would amount to about 4% of a total bill.

PSO is requesting a 12-month amortization period for cost recovery of an already accumulated $33.5 million for what is called a Net Operating Loss Carryforward revenue requirement.

The utility initially asked the IRS whether the NOLC would violate certain IRS laws. In an April letter, the IRS responded that there had been violations but they were unintentional and found PSO had not actually violated law.